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How to wake up STRESS FREE

Ever wake up after ten hours sleep feeling like you haven’t slept a wink? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. A new survey commissioned by Koala Mattress surveyed 1000 Aussies, and found that 60% of us are sleeping between 6-7 hours every night, yet 42% described their sleep as “neither good nor poor”.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t just come down to how much sleep you’re getting. You need to think about where you’re sleeping, your bedding, the food you’re eating and your mindset before you go to sleep.

The Bedroom

When you think of your bedroom, what do you envisage? Piles of dirty laundry staring at you from every crevice? Old magazines stacked by your bedside table?

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary, and a place you go to rewind, relax and rest. If you’re waking up worried about cleaning your bedroom, or having to trudge through hoards of clothing just to get to the door, it might be time to clean up your act.

Dedicate a few hours in the next week to really take charge of your bedroom. Sort through your clothes, recycle those 5 year old mags and sell your impulse purchases still folded neatly in their bags. It’s time to take charge of waking up stress free, and the first step is a tidy room.

If you really need the inspiration, try having a read of Marie Kondo’s ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up’. Even the messiest person will take something out of that book… even if it’s just organising a sock drawer, it’s a start!

The Bedding

A good sleep means you wake up feeling rested, relaxed and ready to tackle a new day. When I think of what makes a satisfying sleep, I think of lush blankets, crisp white sheets and a delightfully comfortable mattress.

Your bed needs to be clean, and that means making the effort each morning to make it before you leave. In fact, a recent study found that 71% of bed-makers consider themselves happy, whilst 62% of non bed-makers admit to being unhappy. Take the 2 minutes to properly make your bed – you’ll get to sleep faster and easier in a clean bed, plus, feel happier too!

Make sure you invest in some high thread count sheets (hello silk or organic cotton!) and make an effort to wash them weekly. It can be a pain, but so worth it – nothing quite like crawling into clean, crisp sheets after a super busy day.

If you’re after a super comfy mattress for an affordable price, check out Koala Mattress. Made in Australia, this company adopts a koala every time someone purchases a mattress – amazing! Save your sleep and the koalas, woohoo.

 The Food

Ever gone to bed after a massive meal, only to find yourself rolling around in pain because you overate waaaay too much? Experts recommend that you eat 2-3 hours before sleeping, as this way your food can settle and not deter you from falling asleep.

Try to avoid super spicy foods for dinner or anything you know that may make your tummy upset – whether it’s gluten, dairy or sugar, avoid these foods just before you sleep.

We all know staying hydrated is super important, but for a peaceful night’s sleep make sure you try to limit your water intake for the last hour before you go to sleep. This way your sleep won’t be disrupted for an unwanted (but very necessary) toilet break!

 The Notebook

Waking up stressed is not only unhealthy for you, but can also be really detrimental to your day and your workmates/family/partner as well. It’s old school and you’ve probably heard this a million times.. but keep a notebook beside your bed!

Every night, without fail, I write down things that are on my mind. It’s not a diary, but rather a mental checklist that is formed into a physical, achievable and tangible list. Whether it’s to remember to bring something to work, a story idea or a movie that I want to watch, it’s in my notebook.

If you wake up in the middle of the night freaking out about stuff (especially if you have anxiety!), it can be extremely disruptive and upsetting. Grab your notebook, write out your worries and go back to sleep knowing that you can tackle them in the morning.

After treating myself to a pretty notebook, I’ve noticed I genuinely use it as well. Rather than writing notes on my phone and sending them to myself via Facebook, I now prefer to write it down. I’m more likely to do something or remember it if I’ve physically written it with a pen (bonus!), and I think it makes you more able to achieve daily goals as well.