REVIEW: Fantastic Services - regaining back my weekend!

Who knew a cleaning company could help you to make the most of your spare time? 

fantastic services cleaning review

Ever since I moved back into a proper house, one thing I’ve really noticed is the work that goes into keeping it clean. A one bedroom apartment used to take me a few hours to clean, so now a four bedroom house takes at least half a day. If there’s one thing I strongly disklike more than anything, it’s cleaning. It’s never been my jam, and such a chore that I really dread each week. 

When the team over at Fantastic Services reached out to me, I jumped at the opportunity to work with them. The company is a one-stop shop for cleaning and home maintenance services, that aim to make everyday life easier and to provide the highest quality standard possible. They have five service groups, consisting of Fantastic Cleaners, Fantastic Gardeners, Fantastic Handyman, Fantastic Pest Control and Fantastic Waste Removal.

They’re one of the most rapidly growing domestic service providers across the UK, USA and Australia, and it’s not hard to see why. The company was kind enough to let me experience the full Fantastic Cleaners experience, with two dedicated cleaners across three hours, which is called a ‘One Off’ Cleaning experience. 

Let me just say, we’ve used cleaners previously and not had much luck. They tend to go really slow, leave marks/mess and require constant support. The Fantastic Services team were absolutely INCREDIBLE, and completely self-sufficient. They brought all of their own tools, and were incredibly dedicated to the job. 

In just three hours, the two of them managed to cover the master bedroom, ensuite, main bathroom, living area, kitchen and dining room. I don’t know about you, but in three hours I’d be lucky to get through just the bedroom and kitchen. 

While our two cleaners cleaned and gave the house a complete revamp, Joe and I actually went out for a romantic picnic! It was so beautiful to be able to spend time with each other on the weekend, instead of spending a Sunday cleaning (like we normally would). We left the house in shambles, and when we came back it was absolutely spotless. 

While we were very kindly gifted the cleaning experience, I cannot recommend it enough. There is something magical about winning your weekends back, and knowing that the professional team from Fantastic Services are looking after the home and creating such a beautiful, clean environment. I cannot thank the team enough for such a great experience, and they’ve even been generous enough to give all of you a chance to experience it for yourself. Use this referral link Live with Elle and upon registration you will receive $20 off your first experience!

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