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How to study at home - the most effective remote learning techniques.

Whether you’e just gone back to university after a long hiatus or are starting your first online course, studying from home is no joke. When you’re attending university on campus, it’s a great place to make friends, to meet your lecturers and to really fall in love with your course.

When you’re studying 100% online from home by yourself, the experience can be alienating and lonely. Stack a worldwide pandemic on top and you’re left feeling like you’re tackling the course solo. I know I personally struggled this semester, but learnt some valuable lessons about studying long distance from home and how to handle it. For anyone that is studying long distance or purely online, here are my top tips for making the most of your time:

Routine is key

Don’t fall into the temptation of sleeping in, studying in your pyjamas and never leaving bed. A routine is integral to successful study, and it’s important to develop your own routine. Mine involves getting up at the same time as my partner, having a coffee together and then jumping in the shower. When you’re feeling fresh AF and ready for the day, schedule a couple of hours of study in the morning. It’s also important to break up the day with some fresh air, so on my lunch break I always try to get outside, put on my favourite podcast and forget my uni work for an hour. Just as you’d finish work at 5pm, finish your study at 5pm (if you’re able to!). Leave the nights to relax and enjoy time with your friends and family.

The Pomodoro Technique

Ever since someone introduced me to the Pomodoro technique, I’ve become it’s biggest fan. In short, the technique is setting yourself a 25 minute timer and not allowing yourself any distractions during this time. Put your phone away, focus on your studies and give that 25 minutes your full focus. Then, you’re allowed a 5 minute break to scroll through Instagram, have a snack or go to the bathroom. Repeat the process again, and then allow yourself a 20 minute break. This is the most efficient method of study I’ve ever used, and I think it’s because 25 minutes isn’t a long time, but you can get so much done in a short time when you’re giving it your full attention. I use THIS online timer, but there are so many out there and they are all free to use. 

Study Station

There’s nothing worse for your motivation than not having a dedicated study space to help you get into the right mindset. If you don’t have space for a desk in your house/apartment, choose an end of the dining table or invest in a pop-up desk that you can set up in your place. It’s really important to have a space that is purely for study, and that you only associate with study. It will help your mindset, and also helps with organisation as you’ll keep everything for your study in this space as well. I love hanging up motivating images in the space; photos of my family, career opportunities when I finish my Masters and anything that puts a smile on my face. 

No Housework

The easiest trap to fall into when studying from home is the urge to suddenly CLEAN. Now, I honestly can’t stand cleaning or doing chores, but when faced with the prospect of studying for another 3 hours or mopping the entire apartment… yep, I end up mopping! This is why your study station is important, because it means you’re not looking around your place for things to clean. If you’re going to do housework, set it as a designated time. Perhaps just before your lunch break, or before you start studying. Don’t use it as a procrastination tool! 

Stay Hydrated

I know this seems like the most obvious tip ever, but how often we do get everything ready for our studying, sit down and then not leave the desk for 5 hours… all without a sip of water! It’s something I’m certainly guilty of, and working when you’re dehydrated makes focusing more difficult. Invest in a decent water bottle, and make sure you take regular breaks to fill it up. 

Whatever stage of study you’re in, GOOD LUCK! You’ve totally got this, and I believe in you. If you’ve got any other study at home tips for effective studying, please leave them in a comment below x