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Bell Sleeves & Black Lace

Here it is - my first (and potentially last) fashion post. I've never been THAT into fashion, but after working in magazines for a couple of years and having best friends that are insanely fashionable (D & A!) has rubbed off on me.

I've always been one for 'fast' fashion, trying to keep up with the weekly trends that never seem to last more than a month at most. I've spent countless amounts of money on these cheap imitations, and never felt truly satisfied. I recently cleaned out my wardrobe, and only got through halfway and I'd managed to fill up 6 garbage bags of crappy clothing.

At my peak, I was spending almost 1/2 my monthly pay check on absolute shitty clothing - and now I realise all I was doing was trying to keep up with trends that came and went so fast that most missed them. I was contributing to landfill and had fallen into the trap of 'keeping up with the Jones''.

Alas, I wish I'd realised this years ago and listened to my mum (thanks J!), but I'm glad I've finally reached this stage. These fashion posts won't focus on trends, but rather staples that every woman could have forever. Timeless pieces that I invest in because I know they'll last both the test of time and wear.

Introducing the first in this photo series, "Bell Sleeves & Black Lace."


Top: Minkpink

Skirt: Staple the Label

Shoes: Spurr/Adidas

Backpack: Colette by Colette Hayman

What are your thoughts on following trends v. only buying investment pieces? I'd love to know.